Alaska Airlines

Frequent Flyer Program
Mileage Plan
Air Crafts
Boeing 737-900ER, 737-900, 737-800, 737-700, 737-400, Boeing 737-400 Combi, Bombardier Q400, Bombardier CRJ-700, and Embraer 175.
Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Anchorage.
Carry On Baggage
  • One carry-on bag (dimension up to 24" L x 17" W x 10" H or 25 x 43 x 61 cm) plus one personal item is allowed.
  • Baggage Fees
  • Each checked bag must weigh 50 pounds or less and have a maximum dimension of 62 linear inches (length + height + width) to avoid additional charges.
  • Standard checked baggage fees are $25 for 1st and 2nd, $75 for 3rd and more.
  • Two checked bags are free for members of Club 49 members, Elite Level Mileage Plan members, American AAdvantage Elite Level members, and Alaska Airlines Visa Signature Cardholders.
  • Seat Selection Fee
    Preferred Plus Seats can be reserved for $15 - $50.
    Food & Drink
    Complimentary beverages include Soda, Juice, and Tea. Snacks and premium drinks are available for purchase. On flights over 2½ hours, hot meals are available for purchase.
    Traveling with Children
  • Infants under 2 years old traveling on Lap is free.
  • A ticket must be purchased for children of ages 2 or older.
  • Unaccompanied Minor Service is available to kids ages 5 through 17 years old.
  • Traveling with Pets
    Space for pets traveling in the cabin or in the cargo compartment is limited and subject to availability. Pets allowed in the passenger cabin are dogs, cats, rabbits, and household birds. When traveling with your pet in the cabin, the pet carrier counts toward your carry-on bag allotment. Pets must be small enough to fit and stay comfortably in a kennel under the seat.
    Military Discount
    Baggage fees (up to 5 checked bags) are waived for US military personnel on active duty or US military dependents on travel orders.
    Top Destinations